This is my giant LEGO spider. The design was inspired by the big red and orange spider that comes in one of those Designer sets. Mine, of course, is a lot different, as you can see.
Both sides of it are pretty much the same, except for some slight differences in the legs, which I had trouble getting to hold the model up. In the end, the back legs had to be at a steeper angle, making them longer, causing the spider to lean forward slightly, as I think a real one would.
A more menacing angle of it. The legs had to be held together by those blue plates because I didn't have a 4x1 brick with the hinges on both sides in the right color, so I had to connect two 2x1s, causing there to be an extra joint which I didn't want.
The back...
A close-up on the abdomen, I believe. In case you're wondering, this spider is not designed to look like any particular species of spider, although it did come out looking a bit like a Black Widow.
This is where you don't want to be. I tried to get my camera to focus on the leg in the foreground, but the focus can only get as close as 3 cm... but you get the idea.
The eyes.
I found that when a flipped the spider upside down, it didn't look nearly as threatening anymore.